Indifference – apathy, insensitivity, disinterest about the world around you. It may be an effect of disease – stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s, etc.
Feeling of emptiness and form of deep emotional pain that can be experienced in any person’s life at any age. Both children and adolescents can experience a sense of emptiness. For example, change of residence or the educational institution. It can be felt by anyone experiencing loss. A feeling of emptiness is also common for people at the age of retirement when they no longer feel useful to society.
Fear – a natural, inborn response that is necessary for human survival. This response signals danger and mobilizes action. Anxiety is related to the events in a person’s life, often mundane. Fear can occur when a child is facing a huge dog. An adult is expecting an unpleasant conversation with their boss, as well as other situations. A scared person’s attention narrows, they focuses on the risks and opportunities of running away. The heart beats faster, breathing is faster, there is tension in the muscles. If a threatening situation is yet to begin, the person feels anxious, nervous, tense, unable to think about anything else, experiences insomnia. Usually anxiety disappears when the threat is no longer present. Sometimes it takes some time to cope with the experience. If psychological trauma has been strong, the effects can be long-lasting. A person remembers the traumatic event and the anxiety returns. This may require psychological help.
Job loss. Work life plays an important role in an adults life. People spend a large part of their lives at work. Work gives a person satisfaction, satisfying his material needs. At work, people have the opportunity to express and develop themselves. At work there is an opportunity to interact with other people. That is why after losing a job and being out of work a long time, people have lower self-esteem, loss of interest in the events surrounding community and the country. It is often a problem that occurs in the family, loss of motivation to do anything to change the situation. People often become depressed.
Relationships in the family. The relationship can be in a crisis – after one year, three, four, and seven. The time when a crisis occurs, is not related to the flow of time, but to the events in the life of a variety of matters.
Child-parenting problems. Raising children is a tough and responsible job that requires a lot of effort. Some parents deal with it themselves, others need help. Child-parenting problems can occur in the form of both learning and behavioral problems.
Person’s own or relative care. Care of seriously ill relatives requires a lot of physical and mental endurance. Often, caregivers can experience – depression, anxiety, fear, burnout syndrome, as well as physical health problems.
Overload – prolonged fatigue, anxiety, stress, irritability. Inability to concentrate, disturbed sleep, headaches, back pain, etc. physiological manifestations.
Difficulties in adapting to new situations in life. Such situations are often associated with a lack of self-esteem. People often experience despair, sadness, anxiety, excitement, headache or abdominal pain.